Ứng dụng Grammar vào Speaking – Unit 10: The youth – Ngữ pháp: Linking words and Signposting

I. Luyện nói Part 1

1. Were you part of any teams or clubs in school?

Các bạn hãy sử dụng các từ vựng gợi ý để trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây trước nhé!

Từ vựng gợi ý: 

English club: câu lạc bộ Tiếng Anh

fun experience: trải nghiệm vui

close with: thân với

an opportunity: cơ hội

improve: cải thiện

Yes, I was. I have always loved English so I joined an English club at school. It was a really fun experience and I made so many new friends, some of whom I am still close with. In addition, it was an opportunity for me to practice English which helped my English improve.

2. Have you ever done any voluntary work?

busy schedule: lịch trình bận rộn

participate in: tham gia

local campaign: chiến dịch địa phương

the elders: những người già tuổi

show appreciation: thể hiện sự trân trọng

make one’s day: làm ai đó vui

Yes, I have. Although I have a busy schedule, I try to participate in volunteer work every few months. Last month, I volunteered in a local campaign to clean the streets and help the elderly in the neighborhood. The streets were much clearer and the elderly showed so much appreciation, which really made our day

3. Is volunteering worth the time it takes?

depend on one’s schedule: phụ thuộc vào lịch trình

spare time: thời gian rảnh

signing up for: đăng ký làm gì

have a great time: có một khoảng thời gian vui

on the other hand: mặt khác

cost a lot of time: mất thời gian

in good health: sức khoẻ tốt

suitable for: phù hợp với

I think it depends on your schedule. If you have a lot of spare time, then signing up for voluntary work is a good idea. You can meet new people and have a great time helping other people. On the other hand, if your work takes a lot of time and you are not in good health, then spending time volunteering might not be suitable for you

II. Luyện nói Part 2

Part 2:  Talk about a time you did volunteer work

You should say:

  • When was it?
  • What did you do?
  • Why did you decide to give your time for free?
  • How did you feel about it and would you do it again?

Từ vựng gợi ý

distribute food: phân phát thực phẩm

local area: khu vực lân cận

set out to: có dự định bắt đầu làm gì

struggling: chật vật/gặp khó khăn

pandemic: dịch bệnh

surrounding area: khu vực xung quanh

lose one’s jobs: mất việc

lockdown: cách ly

in need of: cần cái gì

local community hall: sảnh cộng đồng

care packages: gói quà

neighborhood: khu dân cư

feel bad: cảm thấy thương

affect: ảnh hưởng

tiring: mệt mỏi

fulfilling to: cảm giác thỏa mãn/viên mãn

without a doubt: chắc chắn

get involved in: tham gia

Last month, I volunteered to distribute food in my local area with other volunteers. We set out to help those who were struggling because of the Covid-19 pandemic. A number of people in our surrounding area lost their jobs as a result of the lockdown and they were in need of food and other essential items. 

The other workers and I met at our local community hall in the morning and prepared care packages with rice, produce and clothing. We also prepared care packages for households with babies. We each went around the neighborhood and gave them to those in need. 

I participated in this because I felt so bad for those who are affected by the pandemic. Moreover, I had some free time so I wanted to help. It took me 4 hours everyday, which was a little bit tiring, but I felt great. It is so fulfilling to help others and see how happy you can make a person feel too. I would without a doubt do it again and get involved in more volunteer work in the future.

III. Tổng kết ngữ pháp + luyện nói lần 2

Hãy xem lại tổng kết ngữ pháp trong các sample phía trên và luyện nói lại các câu hỏi một lần nữa. 

Additional Information – cung cấp thêm thông tin đã được sử dụng trong một số câu sau: 

  • In addition, it was an opportunity for me to practice English which helped my English improve..
  • Moreover, I had some free time so I wanted to help.

Contrasting Information – cung cấp thêm thông tin đã được sử dụng trong một số câu sau: 

  • On the other hand, if your work costs a lot of time and you are not in good health, then spending time volunteering might not be suitable for you

Although I have a busy schedule, I try to participate in volunteer work every few months.