Ứng dụng Collocation vào Speaking – Unit 20: Academic writing 1 – giving opinions

Hôm nay IZONE sẽ đem đến cho bạn những cụm từ diễn đạt hữu ích trong việc tường thuật lại ý kiến của người khác nhé.

Nguồn: English Collocations In Use Intermediate – Unit 32

A. Reviewing the work of academics

In 1998, Lucas Georgescu published the results of his groundbreaking research on genetics. His latest paper also makes a significant contribution to the field. He sets out some powerful arguments which will shape our thinking for yearsto come.
In this latest book, Marina Kass gives an account of Karl Marx’s philosophy and provides evidence to support the claim that Garpov seriously misinterpreted Marx. In addition, the book offers a concise summary of the present state of Marxist philosophy.
Partridge strenuously defends her theory, which has come under attack recently in several journals. She argues that the Prime Minister played a central role in the political crisis of 1811, and goes into great detail to support her argument.
Nathan Peel attempts to establish a connection between mobile phone use and physical damage to users’ brains, but he does not offer irrefutable proof and the statistics do not show any significant trends.

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B. Stating things strongly and less strongly

The sentences below express opinions, either strongly or less strongly

Strong expressions of opinion

The invention of the steam engine was the key factor in the birth of the industrial revolution.

The events of 1954 are a perfect example of how political leaders make misjudgements that have serious long-term effects.

This is a clear illustration of the importance of a strong monetary policy.

Less strong expressions of opinion

The figures offer a tentative explanation of the causes of acid rain pollution.
The statistics broadly support the view that the economy is heading towards recession.

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Strong expressions of opinion

Less strong expressions of opinion

C. Other general academic collocations

There is a strong tendency in the work of some linguists to suggest that spoken language is inferior to written language.

We must first gather evidence, then carry out a detailed study of all the factors that play a part in social conditioning.

You cannot expect your claim to be accepted if you cannot offer supporting evidence.

Simon Hart challenges the theory of social change put forward by Professor Kemp.
It is important in academic writing always to acknowledge your sources. If you fail to do this, you will commit plagiarism.

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D. Exercise

Bài 1: Nhìn lại phần A và trả lời các câu hỏi sau

1. Which collocations suggest that the writer admires Georgescu’s work?

2. Which collocations indicate that Partridge’s work has not been accepted by everyone?

3. Which collocations suggest that Marina Kass focuses on facts?

4. Which collocations suggest that Nathan Peel is interested in analysing social statistics?

Bài 2: Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng từ trong ngoặc sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi

1. The example of Mrs Brown clearly illustrates the need for better medical services in the area. (ILLUSTRATION)

2. A doctoral thesis must always make it clear where it got its information. (SOURCES)

3. Dr Kahn’s results provide clear evidence that our theory is correct. (IRREFUTABLE)

4. The article begins by concisely summarising the background to the research project. (CONCISE)

5. The book interestingly describes the life of Marx as a young man. (ACCOUNT)

6. Janet’s theory has been attacked recently in a number of journals. (COME)

Bài 3: Ở phần B, một vài collocations được sử dụng để thể hiện quan điểm mạnh. Collocations nào ở phần A cũng được sử dụng để thể hiện quan điểm mạnh?

1. research
2. a to
3. powerful
6. role
7. goes
8. summary
9. proof
10. significant

Bài 4: Ghép các từ dưới đây với các từ tương ứng để tạo nên các collocation.

people’s thinking
under attack
a contribution
a part
out a study
out an argument
by someone’s argument
into detail

Bài 5: Chọn collocation chính xác


Kelly has written a fascinating study of how early people originally got to Australia. He presents some very (1) (powerful / mighty) arguments to support his theory. He offers plenty of (2) (persuading / supporting) evidence to back up his ideas. He has a rather strong (3) (trend / tendency) to (4) (test / challenge) others’ theories too aggressively, but in general this is a (5) (groundbreaking / irrefutable) research paper which will (6) (form / shape) thinking for some time to come.

Bài 6: Điền vào chỗ trống các động từ và tính từ thích hợp để tạo thành các cụm diễn đạt

Example: (v) to publish (adj) an outstanding article

1. (v)(adj) research
2. (v)(adj) experiment
3. (v)(adj) theory
4. (v)(adj) survey

Điểm số của bạn là % – đúng / câu

E. Luyện nói

(*) Cố gắng sử dụng 1 số collocations Gợi ý để hình thành câu trả lời. Lưu ý là bạn KHÔNG cần dùng tất cả collocations này trong câu trả lời của mình, chỉ cần chọn ra 1 vài collocations hữu ích.

Part 1:

1. Do you want to become an academic?

groundbreaking research, make a significant contribution, set out, powerful arguments, shape one’s thinking

2. Have you ever done research in university?

gather evidence, carry out, play a part, go into great detail, significant trends.

3. Did you use to debate anything with your professor in university?

powerful arguments,  gives an account of, provides evidence, support the claim, concise summary, strenuously defend

Part 3:

1. What do students have to do if they want to create good academic work?

strong tendency, gather evidence, carry out, play a part, challenge the theory, acknowledge your sources, commit plagiarism.

2. How can you explain a difficult problem?

key factor, perfect example, clear illustration, tentative explanation, broadly support, supporting evidence, challenges the theory.