Ứng dụng Collocation vào Speaking – Unit 15: Using the Internet

 (Nguồn: English Collocations In Use Intermediate – Unit 27)

Chủ đề Sử dụng Internet là một trong những chủ đề quen thuộc và có liên quan đến đời sống hàng ngày của mỗi chúng ta. Nhưng liệu rằng các bạn đã biết hết những cách diễn đạt hay về chủ đề này trong Tiếng Anh? Bạn sẽ miêu tả cách tìm kiếm thông tin trên Internet như thế nào?

Hãy cùng IZONE học những cụm từ diễn đạt hay về chủ đề Sử dụng Internet trong bài viết này nhé.

A. Online research

What’s the best way to use the Internet for your research? Here’s our quick guide:

A good place to start is by looking at a definition of your topic or your essay question and making a note of any keywords. Use those to do a web search and start reading through the results.

You may not  find what you need first time, but there are a lot of online resources to help you search effectively. For example, many search engines have ‘hints and tips’ pages which show you how to use them more efficiently and this can help you to refine your search.

It’s important to evaluate sites critically, so check who wrote the information and when.

One way to access reliable information is to subscribe to online journals to get more information on specific topics such as medicine, science etc. You can often search by keyword in back issues to find older articles that might be relevant.And remember, once you’ve found information you want to use, don’t just copy and paste it into your essay! You will need to rewrite the information in your own words. Be sure you keep a record of the source so you can reference it correctly in your work.

Các bạn hãy xem nghĩa và giải thích chi tiết cho từng câu tại đây nhé:

(Nhấp vào đây để xem hướng dẫn)

B. Problems and solutions

Here are some important ‘do’s and don’t’s for computer security:

Make sure you install anti-virus software. This will protect your computer from viruses. Some anti-virus products will also help to block spam.

Update your anti-virus program regularly to make sure you are always protected against the latest threats.

• Never click on a link or open an attachment in an email if you do not know the person who sent it.

• Only download free applications from companies that you trust. Some apps contain malware which could allow someone to hack into your computer and steal personal information such as passwords or bank details.

• Always back up your files and any documents (such as notes and assignments)you are working on. You can upload your files to a cloud storage system or use a memory stick. This means if your computer crashes and you lose your files, you will always have another copy.

Các bạn hãy xem nghĩa và giải thích chi tiết cho từng câu tại đây nhé:

(Nhấp vào đây để xem hướng dẫn)

C. Exercise

Bài 1: Nhìn vào mục A trong phần Lý thuyết. Nối phần đầu của mỗi câu ở bên trái với phần còn lại của nó ở bên phải.

1. When I write an essay, I start by doing a weba) and tips pages which helped me when I started writing essays.
2. Many university libraries subscribe tob) a note of it! I’ll have to email him.
3. The college website has some good hintsc) online journals so that students can access them for free.
4. When I find a useful site, I usually copy andd) search of keywords in the question
5. Our professor mentioned a really useful website, but I didn’t makee) your search by using more keywords
6. If you get too many results, you could refinef) paste the address into a separate document.


Bài 2: Nhìn vào mục B trong phần Lý thuyết. Chọn kết hợp từ đúng.

1. Someone crashed / hacked / backed into my computer and changed my passwords.

2. This new software is really effective at crashing / sending / blocking spam from my email account. I hardly ever get junk emails anymore!

3. Poor Lorna. Her computer crashed / hacked / blocked and she lost all her work!

4. Be sure you storage / back up / link your files, so you don’t lose anything.

5. Every time I put / switch / click on the link you sent me, my browser crashes.

6. I wanted to upload / backup / download a vocab app, but there’s not enough space on my phone.


Bài 3: Đọc các nhận xét sau đây bởi những nhân vật khác nhau. Sau đó trả lời câu hỏi.

Saleema: I didn’t want to spend money on it. But now my computer is infected with a virus and I have to pay to get it fixed.

Helena: I always keep a copy of all my work on it, and take it home every night so I can do more work in the evenings.

Steve: I was working on my presentation and suddenly the screen went black.

Ned: I can’t open the file you sent. It says I don’t have permission to view it.

Elise: I always update the software every month to make sure my computer is protected.

Ethan: My photos are all online, which means I can access them on any computer.

1. Whose computer crashed? =>
2. Who updates their virus protection regularly? =>
3. Who doesn’t have anti-virus software? =>
4. Who is talking about a memory stick? =>
5. Who uses cloud storage? =>
6. Who is having trouble opening an attachment? =>

Bài 4: Chọn từ KHÔNG phù hợp với chỗ trống trong mỗi câu

1. It took ages; but he finally uploaded all his ………………………………………. to the cloud.

2. I need to back up my ………………………………………..

3. Somebody hacked into my ………………………………………..

4. I always back up my most important files on a(n) ………………………………………..

Bài 5: Sắp xếp lại các từ để tạo thành câu có nghĩa.

1. note / websites / most / I / a / of / the / made / useful

2. the / keyword / can / by / search / You / database

3. from / need / evaluate / You / to / information / critically / websites

4. some / searched / We / through / the / of / issues / back


Điểm số của bạn là % – đúng / câu

D. Practice

Part 1:

1. What do you often use the Internet for?

(*) Cố gắng sử dụng 1 số collocations Gợi ý để hình thành câu trả lời. Lưu ý là bạn KHÔNG cần dùng tất cả collocations này trong câu trả lời của mình, chỉ cần chọn ra 1 vài collocations hữu ích.

do a web search, online resources, evaluate critically, search by keyword, copy and paste

2. What do you do for computer security?

anti-virus software, block spam, update regularly, open an attachment, download applications, hack into

3. Does the Internet help you with your study/work?

back up files, upload files, cloud storage, memory stick, computer crashes

Part 2: Talk about the most important benefit of the Internet.

You should say:

  • what it is
  • why you prefer it
  • how students can take advantage of it

and explain what is the importance of it in your country.

do a web search, online resources, ‘hints and tips’, refine your search, subscribe to online journals, search by keyword, copy and paste, back up files, upload files, cloud storage, computer crashes