Ứng dụng Collocation vào Speaking – Unit‌ ‌17: Presentations

 (Nguồn: English Collocations In Use Intermediate – Unit 29)

Chủ đề Thuyết trình là một trong những chủ đề quen thuộc và có liên quan đến đời sống hàng ngày của mỗi chúng ta. Nhưng liệu rằng các bạn đã biết hết những cách diễn đạt hay về chủ đề này trong Tiếng Anh? Bạn sẽ miêu tả các bước trong việc chuẩn bị một bài thuyết trình như thế nào?

Hãy cùng IZONE học những cụm từ diễn đạt hay về chủ đề Thuyết trình trong bài viết này nhé.

A. Giving a presentation

Prepare your presentation carefully. Is the structure easy to follow? Will it communicate your core message

• Consider the target audience. Make sure that what you say is at the right level to hold/keep their attention. An interactive presentation is a good way to connect with your audience and keep them interested. 

• Don’t forget that body language is really important too. Try to stand (or sit) up straight as you talk. You might want to use a few hand gestures to help emphasise your point. 

• Look at the audience. You should make eye contact with about five or six different people. (But don’t maintain eye contact with one person for too long!) 

• If you feel nervous, breathe deeply. This will also help you to speak clearly. Your tone of voice is important and you will be easier to understand if you sound calm. 

• Even people who are used to public speaking can feel nervous about dealing with questions after a presentation. The best way is to listen carefully and be honest if you don’t know the answer! 

• If you prepare handouts, it’s better to give them out at the end so the audience focuses on you, rather than the handouts.

Các bạn hãy xem nghĩa và giải thích chi tiết cho từng câu tại đây nhé:

(Nhấp vào đây để xem hướng dẫn)

B. Visual aids

Clear visual aids are a great way to make/have an impact on your audience. Using PowerPoint® slides or other presentation software can create a very effective presentation

You should keep slides simple with just a few words or images on each one. Be sure to use a clear font which is easy to read. 

Think about your key points for each area and try to write these in just a few words on the slide. You might want to use bullet points to help the audience follow your argument. If you are presenting numbers or data, pie charts, bar charts or graphs are often the clearest way to present them. Using pictures or animations can help bring the presentation to life and make it more memorable, but too many can be confusing and distracting.

Các bạn hãy xem nghĩa và giải thích chi tiết cho từng câu tại đây nhé:

(Nhấp vào đây để xem hướng dẫn)

C. Exercise

Bài 1: Xem phần A. Nối phần đầu của mỗi câu với phần còn lại tương ứng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh:

1. Nick is quite a shy person, so maintaining eye

2. It’s important to be aware of your body 

3. Rosie knows how to hold 

4. I read somewhere that Americans fear public 

5. A lot of people are worried about dealing 

6. The first time I gave a presentation, I was so nervous I didn’t listen 

7. Scott is very well-respected in his field, but he doesn’t really connect

a) with questions at the end of the presentation. 

b) carefully to one of the questions. 

c) contact will be difficult for him. 

d) with the audience. He needs to make his presentations more interactive. 

e) language. It can have a big impact. 

f) speaking more than death. That’s crazy! 

g) the audience’s attention by asking questions.


Bài 2: Nhìn vào phần B. Sửa các tổ hợp từ bị sai ở đoạn văn dưới đây:

Do you want to give great presentations which give an impact on the audience? Firstly, make sure that your slides are easy to watch. Don’t use an unusual or small font. Also, don’t have too much text on each slide. Keep them simply so people can take your argument. Use pictures or examples to carry your ideas to life. You can also use cake charts or bar tables to show figures or data more clearly. Finally, repeat your big points several times to make sure the audience has understood your message.

1. =>
2. =>
3. =>
4. =>
5. =>
6. =>
7. =>
8. =>

Bài 3: Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi

Rory made us all answer questions and get involved in his presentation – it was great!

Isabel repeated the main point at least three times, but at least we all remembered it!

Jason’s sales presentation was really successful – we all wanted to buy his products.

Amelia used lots of slides with pictures and even some short video clips.

John gave us all a printed copy of the main points from the presentation at the end.

Fiona’s slides only had three or four short bullet points on them.

1. Who had prepared handouts? =>
2. Who gave an interactive presentation? =>
3. Who used a lot of visual aids? =>
4. Who kept their slides simple? =>
5. Who gave an effective presentation? =>
6. Who had a clear core message? =>

Bài 4: Nối các từ thành từ hoàn chỉnh:

Tone of
A presentation


Bài 5: Hoàn thành các câu sau với các tổ hợp từ đã ghép ở bài 4:

1. Unfortunately; the speaker used lots of big ; which was really distracting.
2. Try to vary your Don’t speak on the same level all the time as it can be boring.
3. The professor was very knowledgeable about her subject but she used a lot of technical terms which the of university students were unlikely to understand.
4. If I feel nervous before giving a presentation; I try to as it helps me relax.
5. I don’t have time to go out tonight. I’ve got to for a big meeting tomorrow.
6. You don’t need to be a native speaker to give a good presentation in English. You just need to and keep it simple.

Điểm số của bạn là % – đúng / câu

D. Practice

Part 1:

1. How often do you have to give a presentation?

(*) Cố gắng sử dụng 1 số collocations Gợi ý để hình thành câu trả lời. Lưu ý là bạn KHÔNG cần dùng tất cả collocations này trong câu trả lời của mình, chỉ cần chọn ra 1 vài collocations hữu ích.

prepare presentation, PowerPoint slides, keep simple, make an impact,, stand/sit up straight, make eye contact, public speaking, dealing with questions

2. What do you usually do before giving a presentation?

PowerPoint slides, presentation softwares, effective presentation, prepare handouts, breathe deeply, core message, target audience

3. Do you like giving presentations?

body language, interactive presentation. core message, connect with audience, public speaking, listen carefully, bring to life

Part 2:

Describe an interesting speech or talk you heard recently.

You should say:

  • Who the speaker was
  • When you heard him/her or talked with him/her
  • What the speech/conversation was about
  • Why it was interesting to you

body language, stand/sit up straight, hand gestures, maintain eye contact, PowerPoint® slides, bring to life,  core message, connect with audience, make/have an impact, deal with questions, listen carefully