So sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh: Kiến thức và bài tập vận dụng

So sánh bằng là một trong những cấu trúc được sử dụng phổ biến trong tiếng Anh. Đây cũng là cấu trúc giúp bạn ghi điểm trong bài thi IELTS Speaking cũng như IELTS Writing của mình. Vì vậy, IZONE sẽ giúp bạn tổng hợp kiến thức về so sánh bằng trong Tiếng Anh như định nghĩa, công thức và cả bài tập để bạn thực hành nữa nhé!

So sánh bằng là gì?

So sánh bằng (Equal comparison) là so sánh giữa hai hay nhiều sự vật hoặc sự việc với tính chất, thuộc tính nào đó ngang nhau.  

So sánh bằng

Ví dụ:

  • Our presentation last term was as good as this term. 
  • The Math homework today is not as difficult as yesterday. 

Cấu trúc so sánh bằng 

So sánh bằng với tính từ

(+) S + be + as + adj + as + O/ N/ Pronoun

(-) S + be not + so/ as + adj + as + O/ N/ Pro

Ví dụ: 

  • She is as impolite as her mother.
  • My younger brother is not as hard-working as I am.
  • Ann is not so/as intelligent as her younger sister. 

So sánh bằng với trạng từ

(+): S + V + as + adv +as + O/ N/ Pronoun

(-): S + do/does/did not + V + so/ as + adverb +as + O/ N/ Pronoun

Ví dụ: 

  • My mother has to work as hard as my father does.
  • She sings as beautifully as Beyoncé.
  • He didn’t drive so/as carefully as his brother.

So sánh bằng với danh từ

Ngoài sử dụng tính từ trong cấu trúc so sánh bằng, chúng ta có thể sử dụng danh từ trong cấu trúc so sánh bằng, cụ thể:

S + V + as + many/ much/ little/ few + N + as + N/ Pronoun

Ví dụ:

  • Tom has as many shoes as his brother.
  • We didn’t have as much sugar as they do to make this cake. 

Hoặc chúng ta có thể dùng cấu trúc với “the same” trong câu so sánh ngang bằng như sau: 

Subject + Verb + the same + Noun + as + Noun/ Pronoun

Ví dụ:

  • He has the same height as me. 
  • Linda goes to the same high school as Mai. 

Ngoài ra, bạn có thể so sánh bằng với cấu trúc “similar to” để so sánh hai sự vật, sự việc giống nhau. Hoặc sử dụng “different from” để so sánh hai sự vật, sự việc khác nhau.

Ví dụ: 

  • His new sneakers were similar to mine. 
  • Her character is different from her parents.

>>> Tham khảo thêm các mẫu câu so sánh khác trong bài viết: Câu so sánh trong tiếng Anh: 5 loại và Bài tập thực hành

Bài tập so sánh bằng

Bài tập 1: Hoàn thành câu dưới đây sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng

  1. He can run (fast)  ………….  his father can.
  2. My father can (do/ press-ups) …………. as my brother can.
  3. My mother has (same/weight) …………. as me. 
  4. Her secondary school’s teachers ( not strict) ……….. as her high school ones. 
  5. Linda doesn’t have (much/ money) ……………… as me.

Bài tập 2: Sử dụng so sánh ngang bằng để viết lại những câu sau sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi

1. I have blonde hair. Linh’s hair is also blonde. (same/color)


2. My mother is 35 years old. Her mother is also 35 years old. (same/age)


3. Life in the countryside is peaceful. Life in the city is busy. (not/ busy)


4. Katie studies harder than Alan. (work/hard) 


5. My grandparents’ apartment is 30 years old. His apartment is 30 years old. (is/old).


6. Jenny is 10 years old. Rose is 15 years old. (is/ not/ young)


7. My sister is more positive than me. (not/positive)


8. Jim is taller than I am. (not/ high)


9. Tom talks very quietly. Holland talks more loudly. (talk/quietly)


10. Hanoi is 32ºC in summer. Ho Chi Minh City is 35ºC in summer. (Hanoi/ hot)


11. Tom did not do well in the Chemistry final test. Jerry did better in the Chemistry final test. (do/well)


12. Garfield is the tallest boy in our class. (no one/ tall)


13. This is the most ancient tower in our city. (no tower/ ancient)


Bài tập 3: Hoàn thành những câu sau sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh bằng

1. This black T-shirt / pretty/ that red one


2. An lemon/ not sweet/ an apple.


3. the weather/ today/ not warm/ yesterday.


4. The first task / challenging/ the second one. 


5. This cake / taste / different / yesterday.


6. Nobody/ class/ plays guitar/ well/ Jennie. 


7. There/ no film/ interesting/ this one.


Bài tập 1: 

  1. as fast as
  2. do as many press-ups as
  3. the same weight as
  4. are not as strict as
  5. as much money as

Bài tập 2:

  1. Linh and I have the same hair color./ Linh has the same hair color as me. 
  2.  My mother has the same age as her mother. 
  3. Life in the countryside is peaceful. Life in the city is busy. 
  4. Alan doesn’t study as hard as Katie
  5. My grandparents’ apartment is as old as his (one). 
  6. Rose is not as young as Jenny is
  7. I am not as positive as my sister (is)
  8. I am not as tall as Jim (is)
  9. Holland doesn’t talk as quietly as Tom (does)
  10. Hanoi is not as/so hot as Ho Chi Minh City. 
  11. Tom did not do as well as Jerry in the Chemistry final test. 
  12. No one in our class is taller than Garfield.
  13. No tower is as ancient as this on in our city. 

Bài tập 3:

  1. This black T-shirt is as pretty as that red one. 
  2. An lemon is not as sweet as an apple.
  3. The weather today is not as/so warm as yesterday.
  4. The first task is as challenging as the second one. 
  5. This cake tastes different from yesterday.
  6. Nobody in our class plays guitar as well as Jennie 
  7. There is no film as interesting as this one.

Vừa rồi IZONE đã cùng bạn tổng hợp lại tất cả các kiến thức về so sánh bằng bao gồm định nghĩa, cấu trúc so sánh bằng với tính từ. IZONE mong rằng bạn đã có những tìm hiểu thú vị về so sánh bằng nhé!