Money IELTS Speaking: Bài mẫu và từ vựng chủ đề tiền tệ

Phần thi IELTS Speaking bao gồm rất nhiều các chủ đề khác nhau, bạn cần dành nhiều thời gian để luyện tập nhiều chủ đề để có thể triển khai ý tưởng một cách trôi chảy trước ban giám khảo. Trong bài viết này, hãy cùng IZONE tìm hiểu về Money IELTS Speaking nhé.

Giới thiệu về chủ đề Money trong phần thi IELTS Speaking

Chủ đề tiền tệ (money) nghe có vẻ rất vĩ mô nhưng thực tế trong speaking, chủ đề của các câu hỏi đa phần sẽ xoay quanh việc cách bạn chi tiêu và tiết kiệm, vì vậy, đừng lo lắng mà hãy tìm hiểu từ vựng của chủ đề này cũng như một số câu hỏi mẫu mà IZONE tổng hợp phía dưới bạn nhé.

Từ vựng Money IELTS Speaking

Personal Finance (tài chính cá nhân)

Từ vựngDịch nghĩa
earn/make money (v)kiếm tiền
cash (n)tiền mặt
withdraw money (v)rút tiền
make a deposit (v)tạm ứng tiền
everyday bills (n)hoá đơn tiêu dùng hàng ngày, ví dụ: 
savings account (n)tài khoản tiết kiệm
bank loan (n)nợ ngân hàng
mortgage (n)thế chấp
credit card (n)thẻ tín dụng
debit card (n)thẻ ghi nợ
buy in bulk (v)mua với số lượng lớn
refund (n/v)số tiền hoàn lại
receipt (n)biên lai
fee (n)khoản phí (học phí, phí thuê luật sư,…)
fare (n)khoản phí cho việc di chuyển (tàu, xe,…)
bargain (v)mặc cả
rip-off (n)mặt hàng không tương xứng với giá tiền
payday (n)ngày nhận lương
piggy bank (n)heo đất
cut down on (v)cắt giảm chi tiêu
set aside (v)tiết kiệm
down payment (n)tiền đặt cọc
pay the money back in installments (v)trả tiền theo từng đợt

Public Finance (tài chính công)

Từ vựngDịch nghĩa
the economy goes downhillnền kinh tế giảm sút
Income tax (n) thuế thu nhập cá nhân
Inheritance tax (n)thuế thừa kế
inherit (v)thừa kế
custom duty (n)thuế hải quan
excise duty (n)thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt
VAT (n)thuế giá trị gia tăng
tax rebate (n)khoản thuế được giảm
disability allowances (n)trợ cấp tàn tật
unemployment benefit/dole (n)trợ cấp thất nghiệp
rates of exchange (n)tỷ giá hối đoái

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu Money IELTS Speaking

money ielts speaking

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu Money IELTS Speaking part 1

Yes, I do. I usually do some window shopping. If I find something which is suitable for me, I will definitely buy it. This is one of the best stress-relievers.

Kind of. Especially when it comes to the sale-off season, I will waste a lot of money on clothes that I would not wear in the future.

It’s very convenient for us to use a credit card these days. That’s why I always use it whenever I purchase anything.

No one in Vietnam expects me to give a tip but I will do it if I’m in a good mood. 

No, I can manage my budget quite well. I have never been in a situation that I have no money left.

I would say that it depends on how close our friendship between us is. If this one is just my social friend, i will not lend he or she my money.

Yes. In Vietnam, you can see some beggars in some local markets. They are usually disabilities and look very miserable.

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu Money IELTS Speaking part 2

Describe a time that you saved money for something

You should say:

What did you save for?

How did you save money?

How long have you been saving money?

and explain: Are you happy with what you saved for?

Well, saving money is of the most crucial practice that everyone should do to achieve financial stability or to afford to buy something you really want. For me, I saved money for many items that I’m using at the moment such as my laptop and my airpods but I would like to share with you the time when I set aside to buy my mother a new dress

It was my mother’s birthday and I, her only son, had not given her anything on that special day. That’s why I decided to surprise my mother with a new dress which she always dreamed of. I had to cut off my expenses on some routines like having a Starbuck cup of coffee in every afternoon or eating out regularly. Instead, I made my own coffee and meals at home for 3 weeks. Finally, after my “great” efforts, the money I set aside was enough for me to purchase a new dress for my mother. 

It was a long red dress with some crystals sticked on the chest. My mother really loved it and she gave me a kiss on my cheek right when she opened the gift. I felt extremely happy and for a moment, I thought I had grown up (:D) I think that everyone should buy something for their beloved ones because you will definitely have some really good feelings after

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu Money IELTS Speaking part 3

The importance of having a savings account is easily overlooked. Because you keep the savings account away from spending account, it will prevent you from irrationally using it. Especially for young people, they should have their own savings account because they are more likely bad at personal financial management. And for adults, it is of the most crucial pracitice because they have to spend on many big things like building a new house or buying a new car. I think that it does not depend on how much you will get but how much you will set aside.

Money causes a lot of problems in Vietnamese society. In the field of politics, leaders become selfish and greedy because of money. Politicians engage in graft and corruption, which makes them incompetent and ineffecient public servants. It is the society that suffers out of this. And in the field of relationship, people tend to make friends or have love affairs with those who are rich and can afford to buy them things they want. I think that kinds of relationship will not last long and leave many side effects.

I think if we let our children expose to monetary matters in their young ages, they will have more chances to learn how to spend and save money. So it’s important to teach them from a young age that money isn’t just for spending—they should be saving money regularly, too. Learning to save isn’t just an essential money habit. Saving teaches discipline and delayed gratification which are crucial for building children’s personality.

Mong rằng những từ vựng và ví dụ cho chủ đề Money IELTS Speaking đã giúp các bạn đọc của IZONE tích lũy thêm được những ý tưởng hay. Hãy luôn theo dõi IZONE để được cập nhật nhiều chủ đề Speaking hơn nữa nhé!