[Chia sẻ] Câu hỏi và câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Neighborhood hay

Topic Neighborhood là một trong những chủ đề xuất khá phổ biến trong các đề thi IELTS Speaking gần đây. Nếu khi gặp các câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Neighborhood mà vẫn chưa có ý tưởng gì, thì hãy tham khảo nội dung của IZONE nhé.

Tổng hợp câu hỏi và câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Neighborhood

ielts speaking neighborhood

Tổng hợp câu hỏi và câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Neighborhood Part 1

It’s a peaceful area on the outskirts of (ở ngoại ô) Hanoi. The people are friendly and helpful. The cost of living (chi phí sinh sống) is reasonable, and it is convenient to commute (đi lại) to where I work. And you know what the best part is? It’s simply a few steps to a water park (công viên nước). I guess I couldn’t ask for a more ideal location to call home.

I believe they are just average, everyday citizens (công dân). I haven’t gotten many chances to interact with them. They appear to lead quite hasty lives (có cuộc sống xô bồ)  and are unable to be bothered (không muốn làm gì do mệt) to have a chat with their neighbors. 

They’re focused on their own family issues (các vấn đề gia đình). We used to be friends with one or two families around here, but then they moved house and we’ve lost contact with them (mất liên lạc) ever since. 

I always try to be! I always go out of my way (nỗ lực hết sức) to assist (giúp đỡ) any of my neighbors who are in need (cần sự giúp đỡ), and from what I can tell, my neighbors have also put in the effort to better the entire neighborhood. In addition, I am always willing to help organize community events. So, I believe I am at least a decent (tốt, tử tế) neighbor.

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Tổng hợp câu hỏi và câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Neighborhood Part 2

Describe one of your neighbors.

You should say:

  •  when you two became neighbors
  •  how often you meet him/her
  •  whether your neighbor is a good person

and explain why you like/ dislike this neighbor.

Today, I’m going to tell you about one of my neighbors. Her name is Linh. I got to know her a couple of years ago when I first moved to Ha Noi to study. 

At that time, I was living in an apartment building, on the ninth floor, to be specific. Normally, I hardly met any of my neighbors because I spent most of my day at my university.  However, one day, when I was going to (định làm gì) go up to my floor, a young girl ran up to me and asked me to hold the elevator door.

Then, when she was in the elevator, she introduced herself a little. She was a first year student at Foreign Trade University, and her room was on the ninth floor. I couldn’t believe my ears (không tin được những điều mình vừa nghe), she was at the same school and on the same floor with me. What a coincidence! (Thật là trùng hợp).

We met each other quite often as we shared the same study schedule (có cùng lịch học), and gradually, we became closer. To be honest, in the first place, from her appearance and style of  clothes, I gathered that she is someone who is active (năng động) and energetic, but it turned out she is quite bashful. In particular, when she was with me, she was quite talkative, but she would become tongue-tied (líu lưỡi) when she tried to talk to strangers.

As for me, she was an excellent neighbor. She sometimes invited me for a meal and her food was amazing. I think just her food can suffice (đủ để làm gì) to melten (làm tan chảy) heart of any man, let alone her beauty. 

I find myself so lucky to have a neighbor like her. She totally gave me a sense of community (tinh thần cộng đồng)

Tổng hợp câu hỏi và câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Neighborhood Part 3

From my observation, it really depends on the neighborhood you are living in. Some might say that neighbors are essential to our lives as they can give us a sense of community (tinh thần cộng đồng), and they even offer help when we are in need (thiếu đồ ăn/ tiền bạc)

However, I guess, this is only the case (là đúng) when you live in a socially cohesive neighborhood (khu phố gắn kết). Otherwise, it would be a nightmare if you lived nearby those who are always gossipy (nhiều chuyện) and inquisitive (tọc mạch) about your private affairs (các chuyện đời tư).

Of course. Getting on well with (có mối quan hệ tốt) neighbors is the nuts and bolts of (thiết yếu) an excellent neighborhood, so I guess children should be taught this from an early age. 

This, needless to say, is beneficial for the development of the children. They can learn how to communicate and behave properly (giao tiếp và cư xử đúng mực) with other people, and this is, for sure, a vital skill in their later (sau này) lives. That’s not to mention, building a good relationship (xây dựng một mối quan hệ tốt) with neighbors can give children a sense of community (tinh thần cộng đồng) that can make them feel welcome and safe. 

Off the top of my head, there are some problems that can arise (phát sinh) among neighbors. 

First, they can have a fight over late night noise (tiếng ồn ban đêm). The noise from late parties can be a nuisance (nỗi phiền toái) to people, especially elderly people, as they might find it hard to fall asleep. What’s more, if this happens continually, it comes as no surprise that (không có gì ngạc nhiên) the noise would drive them crazy (khiến họ tức điên lên) and it might be hard for them to keep their tempers (giữ bình tĩnh)

Another neighborhood conflict (xung đột với hàng xóm) I could think of is over pets. Some might have a dislike for (không thích) pets, like dogs or cats, because they can make a mess (gây bẩn) everywhere. That’s not to mention, if the owners of these pets do not have the common sense (ý thức chung) to clean up after their pets (dọn phân thú nuôi), their neighbors would have to do it, and this, of course, might be root of a dispute between the neighbors and the pets’ owners.

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Tổng hợp từ vựng chủ đề Neighborhood

ielts speaking neighborhood

Dưới đây là bảng tổng hợp những từ vựng hay về chủ đề Neighborhood mà bạn có thể sử dụng

Từ vựngNghĩaVí dụ
A cohesive Neighborhood (n)Khu phố gắn kếtNam is living in a cohesive neighborhood
tobe on the outskirts of + place Ở khu vực ngoại ôIt’s a peaceful area on the outskirts of Hanoi.
cost of living (n)Chi phí sinh sốngThe cost of living is reasonable.
commute (v)Đi lạiIt is convenient to commute to where I work.
A decent neighbor (n)Một người hàng xóm tử tếThu is a decent neighbor
Citizen (n)Công dânI believe my neighbors are just average citizens.
Lead a hasty lifeCó cuộc sống xô bồPeople nowadays tend to lead quite hasty lives.
Can’t be bothered to VKhông muốn làm gì do quá lười/ quá mệtNam can’t be bothered to iron his clothes.
A family issue (n)Vấn đề gia đìnhPeople are often focused on their own family issues.
Lose contact with sb (v)Mất liên lạc với aiWhen my neighbors moved house, I lost contact with them.
Tobe in needCần giúp đỡ (thường là do thiếu thực phẩm/ tiền bạc)Thu always goes out of her way to assist any of her neighbors who are in need.
Get to know sb (v)Quen biết ai đóI got to know Linh a couple of years ago
An apartment building (n)Tòa chung cưLinh is living in an apartment building located in the heart of Ha noi
Bashful (adj)Rụt rèThu looked bashful when I asked her what she wanted.
Tongue-tied (adj)Líu lưỡi (không nói được gì, do xấu hổ, rụt rè)Linhwas quite talkative, but she would become tongue-tied when she tried to talk to strangers.
Suffice to V (v)Đủ để làm gìHer food can suffice to melten heart of any man, let alone her beauty.
a sense of community (n)Tinh thần cộng đồngThere are several ways to create a sense of community
gossipy (adj)Nhiều chuyệnTuan is a gossipy neighbor.
Inquisitive (adj)Tọc mạchMrs.Thu is always inquisitive about my private affairs.
Get on well with sb = tobe on good terms with sbCó mối quan hệ tốt với aiI always try to get on well with my neighbors.
Nuisance (n)Mối phiền toáiThe noise from late parties can be a nuisance to people.
Have a fight over sth (v) Cãi vã nhau về chuyện gìNeighbors can have a fight over late night noise.
Drive sb crazy (v)Khiến ai tức điên lênThe noise from late parties can drive surrounding neighbors crazy
Keep one’s temper (v)Giữ bình tĩnhIt is hard for them to keep their temper when they have to suffer from blaring noise all night.
neighborhood conflict (n)Mâu thuẫn giữa hàng xómMany neighbor conflicts can arise if people do not have common sense.
common sense (n)Ý thức chungMany neighbor conflicts can arise if people do not have common sense.
make a mess (v)Gây bẩnPets can make a mess everywhere

Trên đây là toàn bộ chia sẻ của IZONE về chủ đề IELTS Speaking Neighborhood, cũng như những từ vựng hay liên quan đến chủ đề này. Chúc các bạn học tốt!