Personality vocabulary IELTS: 90+ từ vựng mô tả tính cách con người

Trong tiếng Anh nói chung và IELTS nói riêng, chủ đề tính cách con người (personality) là một chủ đề quen thuộc và quan trọng dù trong văn nói hay văn viết. Personality vocabulary IELTS (từ vựng chủ đề tính cách con người) rất đa dạng và phong phú. Trong bài viết này, các bạn hãy cùng IELTS IZONE khám phá các từ vựng mô tả tính cách con người nhé!

Personality vocabulary IELTS

STT Từ vựng Phát âm Nghĩa Ví dụ
1 aggressive /əˈɡresiv/ hay gây hấn, hung hăng According to the stereotype, men are typically more aggressive than women.
2 ambitious /amˈbiSHəs/ tham vọng, có nhiều hoài bão She is really ambitious, but I doubt she will ever reach the top.
3 creative /krēˈādiv/ sáng tạo Like many creative people, she can be extremely short-tempered.
4 careful /ˈkerfəl/ cẩn thận, thận trọng You will cut yourself with this knife if you are not careful.
5 easy-going /ˌiː.ziˈɡoʊ.ɪŋ/ dễ tính, không câu nệ She is a kind and easy-going boss.
6 honest /ˈänəst/ thật thà, liêm khiết I wasn’t fully honest with him, but I didn’t tell him any outright lies.
7 cautious /ˈkɔː.ʃəs/ thận trọng, cẩn thận He is too cautious to be an effective leader.
8 imaginative /iˈmaj(ə)nədiv/ giàu trí tưởng tượng She is frequently brilliantly imaginative when describing the writer’s life.
9 kind /kīnd/ tốt bụng It is really kind of you to go so far to meet me.
10 cheerful /ˈtʃɪə.fəl/ vui vẻ, giải trí Despite his obstacles, he is invariably cheerful.
11 dependable /dəˈpendəb(ə)l/ đáng tin cậy, an toàn I require a dependable one to care for the children while I am at work.
12 dumb /dəm/ khờ dại Are they courageous or just dumb?
13 intelligent/ smart /inˈteləjənt/, /smärt/ thông minh, sáng dạ He is a highly intelligent individual who can think creatively.
14 enthusiastic /ɪnˌθjuː.ziˈæs.tɪk/ nhiệt huyết, tận tâm They were exhausted,  but not any less enthusiastic on that account.
15 clever /ˈklevər/ thông minh Laura is often bragging about how clever her children are.
16 mercurial /mɜːˈkjʊə.ri.əl/ Lanh lợi, hoạt bát, nhanh trí She possessed mercurial mood swings and was engaging yet unpredictable.
17 generous /’dʒenərəs/ Rộng rãi, hào phóng They were quite generous, donating to numerous causes.
18 faithful /’feiθful/ trung thực, chung thuỷ Jim was a faithful, affectionate, and considerate husband.
19 sociable, friendly /ˈsəʊ.ʃə.bəl/, /´frendli/ dễ gần, hoà đồng I had a headache and was not in a sociable mood.
20 Lighthearted /ˌlaɪtˈhɑː.tɪd/ Vui vẻ; vô tư lự Children are fun and lighthearted with the teacher.
21 introverted /ˈɪn.trə.vɜː.tɪd/ hướng nội She became reserved, quiet, and introverted when she began school.
22 extroverted /ˈek.strə.vɜːt/ hướng ngoại An quiet student may not respond to an extroverted buddy.
23 tactful /ˈtak(t)fəl/ khôn khéo They are tactful and attentive to their own and their friends’ social needs.
24 optimistic /ˌɒptəˈmistik/ lạc quan Expecting a politician to tell you the unvarnished truth is a bit optimistic.
25 pessimistic /ˌpesəˈmistik/ bi quan I think James is way too pessimistic about what the surviving sermons themselves tell us.
26 competitive /kəmˈpedədiv/ có tính cạnh tranh, ganh đua Although the two sisters have always been competitive, they are also quite supportive of one another.
27 patient /ˈpeɪ.ʃənt/ kiên nhẫn I’m just not patient enough to be a teacher, so I could never do it.
28 confident /ˈkɒn.fɪ.dənt/ tự tin, chắc chắn She is a confident and practiced speaker who consistently dazzles her audience.
29 humorous /ˈhjuː.mə.rəs/ hài hước, buồn cười We were uncertain as to whether he was being humorous or whether his suggestion was serious.
30 observant /əbˈzərvənt/ hay chú ý, hay quan sát Any observant student of our economic life cannot fail to be impressed by the gravity of the situation.
31 outgoing /ˌaʊtˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ/ Dễ gần, thoải mái She has an outgoing disposition.
32 loyal /’lɔiəl/ Trung thành, trung nghĩa She is extremely loyal to her pals.
33 open-minded /´oupn¸maindid/ Rộng rãi, phóng khoáng Modern physicians tend to be more open-minded about alternative medicine.
34 narrow-minded /’nærou’maindid/ Hẹp hòi, nhỏ nhen She has such a narrow-minded views on that field
35 gentle /dʒentl/ dịu dàng, hoà nhã; nhẹ nhàng He is really gentle with his children.
36 rational /´ræʃənəl/ Có lý trí He has a very rational perspective on life.
37 sincere /sin´siə/ Thật thà, chân thành Because he is so sincere, you always know where you stand with him.
38 polite /pəˈlaɪt/ Lễ phép, có lễ độ; lịch sự She was polite, but not overly so.
39 reckless /’reklis/ Thiếu sự thận trọng, liều lĩnh, táo bạo First, individuals are prone to engage in reckless and hazardous activities.
40 stubborn /ˈstʌbərn/ Bướng bỉnh và ngoan cố He was renowned for his stubborn resistance and unwillingness to concede defeat.
41 talkative /ˈtɔkətɪv/ hay nói, hoạt ngôn She is a vibrant, talkative individual.
42 understanding /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ Hiểu biết; thông minh He had anticipated that she would be appalled, yet she was surprisingly understanding.
43 short-tempered /´ʃɔ:¸tempəd/ nóng tính, hay cáu giận We are all familiar with him, therefore the situation must be dire if he becomes so short-tempered.
44 bad-tempered /’bæd’tempəd/ Xấu tính, hay cáu, dễ nổi nóng He’s really bad-tempered. He had no business becoming a teacher.
45 selfish /´selfiʃ/ Ích kỷ, chỉ quan tâm lợi ích bản thân She never considers anyone else; she is completely selfish.
46 mean /mi:n/ xấu tính She has an extremely negative disposition toward others and is as mean as hell.
47 cold /kould/ lạnh lùng Tim is such a cold boy!
48 quite /kwait/ ít nói, yên lặng Tiffany is a really quite student!
49 silly, stupid /´sili/, /ˈstupɪd/ Ngờ nghệch, ngớ ngẩn She was quite silly to quit her work in such a manner.
50 crazy /’kreizi/ điên khùng You would be absolutely crazy to marry that guy.
51 lazy /’leizi/ Lười biếng, biếng nhác You were really lazy last semester, but we’ll start fresh this term.
52 wise /waiz/ Khôn ngoan, sáng suốt You’d be wise to take a detour to avoid the road construction.
53 Supportive /sə´pɔ:tiv/ có lòng nhiệt tình hỗ trợ người khác Typically, children with supportive parents do better in school than those who do not.
54 Hard-working/ Diligent/ Industrious /,hɑrd’wɜr kɪŋ/, /´dilidʒənt/, /in´dʌstriəs/ Siêng năng, cần cù, chăm chỉ She is very skilled and diligent.
55 Haughty /´hɔ:ti/ Kiêu kỳ, kiêu căng, ngạo mạn Manchester was far more haughty about who might join.
56 Boast /boust/ Tự kiêu, hay khoe khoang He refrained from discussing his test scores to avoid the appearance of boasting.
57 Strict /strikt/ Nghiêm khắc, không khoan dung My parents were really strict with me as a child.
58 Bossy /´bɔsi/ Hống hách, hách dịch Henry, who is very bossy, wants to be in command.
59 Childish /’t∫aidi∫/ Ngây ngô, trẻ con He wasn’t enjoying the occasion so he decided to spoil it for everyone else – it was really childish of him.
60 Envious /’enviəs/ Thèm muốn, ghen tị, đố kỵ She was quite envious of her brother’s accomplishments.
61 Courteous /´kə:tiəs/ Lịch sự, nhã nhặn She frequently disagreed with me, yet she was always courteous.
62 Cowardly /´kauədli/ Nhát gan, nhút nhát He is a coward and an aggressor.
63 Gruff /grʌf/ cộc cằn, thô lỗ Underneath his gruff appearance, he’s a very kind man.
64 Insolent /´insələnt/ Xấc láo, láo xược What a disrespectful and insolent child!
65 mad /mæd/ điên rồ, điên cuồng, mất trí You are mad to walk home alone at this hour.
66 unkind /ʌn´kaind/ Không tử tế, không tốt It was unkind of you to take the toy from him.
67 unpleasant /ʌn’plezənt/ khó chịu, khó ưa He is short-tempered, self-centered, and an unpleasant man overall.
68 cruel /’kru:ә(l)/ Độc ác, tàn bạo, tàn nhẫn Children can be exceptionally cruel to one another.
69 Stingy /ˈstɪndʒi/ keo kiệt, bủn xỉn When we go out, he is really stingy and never buys anyone a drink.
70 Deceitful /di´si:tful/ Dối trá, lừa lọc She is extremely deceitful and not to be trusted.
71 Arrogant /’ærəgənt/ kiêu căng; ngạo mạn I cannot bear how arrogant he is!
72 Rude /ru:d/ Khiếm nhã, bất lịch sự He has no manners and is rude to everyone.
73 amusing /əˈmjuː.zɪŋ/ Vui vẻ, tươi cười Some individuals appear to find it amusing that I shattered my toe.
74 Considerate /kən´sidərit/ Ân cần, chu đáo Colleagues and friends alike mourn the loss of this thoughtful and considerate guy.
75 Adventurous /əd´ventʃərəs/ Thích phiêu lưu, mạo hiểm I am attempting to be more adventurous with my cooking.
76 aggressive /əˈgrɛsɪv/ Hay gây hấn, hung hãn, hung hăng She was really aggressive toward the television reporters.
77 Frank /fræɳk/ thẳng thắn, bộc trực To be very frank, I do not believe she is the right person for the job.
78 Gracious /´greiʃəs/ Hoà nhã, lịch thiệp, tử tế The losing team was gracious although they were defeated
79 Humble /hʌmbl/ Khiêm tốn, nhún nhường He is quite humble about his success.
80 Liberal /´librəl/ Rộng rãi, hào phóng Her parents were far more liberal than mine were.
81 Mischievous /´mistʃivəs/ Tinh nghịch, ranh mãnh She possesses a mischievous sense of humor.
82 Naive /nai’i:v/ Ngây thơ, chất phác You were naive to believe that they would listen to your proposals.
83 Romantic /roʊˈmæntɪk Lãng mạn; mơ mộng You used to be very romantic, but you no longer express your affection for me.
84 Tricky /´triki/ Quỷ quyệt, gian xảo, thủ đoạn He is a tricky guy.
85 Vain /veɪn/ phù phiếm He was quite vain about his hair and attire.
86 Witty /´witi/ Hóm hỉnh, dí dỏm He was really personable and witty.
87 Zealous /’zeləs/ Hăng hái, nhiệt huyết He believed the media were too zealous in their attempts to gain access to the event.
88 Merciful /´mə:siful/ Nhân từ; khoan dung Sometimes, judges are more merciful than juries.
89 Malicious /məˈlɪʃəs/ Hiểm độc, có ác tâm The court determined that she had not acted with malicious intent.
90 Headstrong /´hed¸strɔη/ Bướng bỉnh, cứng đầu She was a headstrong child who was constantly in trouble.

Trong bài viết trên IZONE đã chia sẻ đến các bạn tổng hợp bộ từ vựng mô tả tính cách con người – Personality vocabulary IELTS. Trau dồi ngữ âm, ngữ pháp và bên cạnh đó không thể quên từ vựng để có thể gặt hái được thành quả xứng đáng trong quá trình học tập nha. Hy vọng bài viết trên sẽ giúp các bạn nâng cao vốn từ, ứng dụng vào thực tế học tập, làm việc và giao tiếp tốt hơn nha! Chúc các bạn có một lộ trình học IELTS hiệu quả!