Music IELTS Speaking: Tổng hợp từ vựng, câu hỏi, câu trả lời mẫu

Âm nhạc là một topic cực kì quen thuộc trong IELTS Speaking. Hãy cùng IZONE khám phá những kiến thức hay ho về chủ đề này nhé. Hy vọng tổng hợp từ vựng, câu hỏi và bài trả lời mẫu cho Music IELTS Speaking dưới đây sẽ đem đến cho các bạn nguồn tham khảo bổ ích để chuẩn bị cho bài thi của mình nhé!

Giới thiệu về chủ đề Music IELTS Speaking

Music là một chủ đề quen thuộc và thường gặp trong cuộc sống cũng như trong bài IELTS Speaking. Music IELTS Speaking là 1 trong 60 chủ đề Speaking part 1 thông dụng nhất. Và chủ đề càng quen thuộc thì thí sinh sẽ càng cần phải sử dụng những từ vựng nâng cao, đặc biệt để tạo điểm nhấn cho câu trả lời của mình. 

music ielts speaking

Từ vựng Music IELTS Speaking

Từ vựngPhiên âmLoại từNghĩa
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Việt
Lyrics/ˈlɪr.ɪk/Nounthe contents of a song, particularly a popular tuneLời bài hát
Ví dụ: Paul is famous for writing all the lyrics for all of her songs that she has ever published
Melody/ˈmel.ə.di/Nouna tune, frequently constituting part of a wider musical composition.Giai điệu
Ví dụ: Her songs are always strong on melody
Tune/tuːn/Nouna sequence of musical sounds, particularly one that is pleasant and simple to recallÂm điệu
Ví dụ: Her song has a very catchy tune
Chorus/ˈkɔːr.əs/Nounrepeated section of a song, typically following each verse.Điệp khúc
Ví dụ: I was impressed by “Shut up and Dance”’s chorus, by Walk the Moon
(Musical) Performance/pɚˈfɔːr.məns/Nounthe act of amusing others through dancing, singing, acting, or playing musicMàn trình diễn
Ví dụ: My friend Lan gave a superb musical performance on the last day of school
(Massive/ Big) Hit/hɪt/Nounan item or person that is exceedingly successful or popularBài hát thành công
Ví dụ: The Beatles had a multiple of massive hits in the 1960s
Piece of music/piːs əv ˈmjuː.zɪk/Nouna musical work that has been composedBản nhạc
Ví dụ: It is such a beautiful piece of music
Taste in music/teɪst ɪn ˈmjuː.zɪk/Nounone’s musical preferences: certain genres, styles, and bandsGu âm nhạc
Ví dụ: May has such a unique taste in music
Tone-deaf/ˌtoʊnˈdef/NounA tone-deaf person is unable to discern distinct notes or sing melodies appropriately.Tông điếc, không phân biệt được các nốt nhạc khác nhau
Ví dụ: I have never considered signing as my career path because I’m tone–deaf
Download/ˈdaʊn.loʊd /Verbto copy or transfer programs or data into the memory of a computer, especially from the internet or a larger computer.Tải nhạc
Ví dụ: I’ve downloaded tons of Taylor Swift song because I’m a big fan of her
Appreciate (music)/əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/Verbto acknowledge someone or something’s excellence and to esteem him, her, or it.Hộ chiếu
Ví dụ: His music is highly appreciated in the late 1990s
Hiphop/ Rap/ˈhɪp.hɑːp/NounA form of popular music in which the lyrics are spoken rather than sung, and the songs’ subject matter is typically politics or society. 
Ví dụ: Hip hop once used to be the most popular kind of music in the 1980s
Symphony/ˈsɪm.fə.ni/Nouna lengthy composition of music for orchestra that typically contains four movementsGiao hưởng
Ví dụ: My dream is to play in a symphony orchestra once in a lifetime
Classical Music/ˌklæs.ɪ.kəl ˈmjuː.zɪk/ Nounwonderfully unique and intriguingNhạc cổ điển
Ví dụ: Classical music was playing softly in the background
Refreshing/rɪˈfreʃ.ɪŋ/Adjecti-vea comprehensive route or itinerary for a journeyLịch trình (một cách chi tiết)
Ví dụ: Her songs bring a refreshing vibe
Inspirational/ˌɪn.spəˈreɪ.ʃən.əl/Adjecti-vegenerating feelings of optimism or encouragementĐầy cảm hứng
Ví dụ: Stronger by Kelly Clarkson is so inspirational that it motivates listeners into action and lift them up when they’re down

Kinh nghiệm chinh phục phần thi IELTS Speaking Music

Tìm hiểu kỹ về một thể loại nhạc mà bạn yêu thích trước khi thi

Ở chủ đề IELTS Speaking Music, không thể nào tránh khỏi những câu hỏi từ giám khảo như:

  • What kind of music do you like?
  • What kind of music do you listen to? Why?
  • Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young?
  • What kind of music is popular in your country?

Để ứng phó tốt hơn với phần thi này, các bạn hãy tìm hiểu thật chi tiết một thể loại nhạc mà bạn yêu thích. Thông tin cần được biết bao gồm:  nguồn gốc, đặc điểm, các ca sĩ nổi tiếng ở dòng nhạc đó, những bài hát “hit” ,…… để vào phòng thi có thể nói trôi chảy và lưu loát nhất. Tuy nhiên, đừng cố gắng học thuộc từng câu chữ mà bạn đã “search google” mà hãy tự diễn đạt theo cách hiểu của mình. Từ đó, khi vào phòng thi, dù dưới áp lực và tâm lý, bạn vẫn có thể trả lời một cách xuất sắc nhất.

Dùng những từ có tính chất miêu tả

Chủ đề Music rất đa dạng về từ vựng, đặc biệt là từ vựng về cảm xúc. Thí sinh hãy nhân cơ hội này “tủ” một vài tính từ thật hay và chất lượng để miêu tả bài hát và cảm xúc của mình khi nghe bài hát đó để thể hiện khả năng với giám khảo nhé!

Giải thích những từ trong ngôn ngữ khác/ từ lóng

Điều đặc biệt trong chủ đề Music là có rất nhiều từ vựng “chuyên ngành” mà có thể giám khảo chưa hiểu rõ. 

Ví dụ: Bạn thích thể loại nhạc Bolero – một thể loại nhạc rất phổ biến ở Việt Nam, nhưng không hề thân quen với bạn trẻ thế giới. Vậy thì, thí sinh cần giải thích cho giám khảo biết đây là thể loại gì.

=> I’m a big fan of Bolero – a famous kind of music in the late 1980s. It is characterized by a moderate to slow tempo, and a repeating rhythmic figure under a beautiful, singing melody. Nostalgia is one of the main feelings evoked by bolero….

Câu trả lời phủ định không bị mất điểm

Đôi khi, thí sinh cảm thấy rằng họ phải đưa ra một câu trả lời tích cực hay khẳng định cho tất cả mọi thứ. Tuy nhiên, bài thi IELTS cũng thực tế như cuộc sống vậy. Trung thực là điểm mấu chốt. Nếu câu trả lời của bạn là không, hãy thoải mái nói như vậy và củng cố ý kiến của bạn bằng một chút lý luận hoặc ví dụ.

Ví dụ: Do you like hip hop music? Why?

=> Actually, I’m not fond of hip hop. It sounds like a lot of noise to me. I think that my taste and preference only gravitate toward soft sound so I just feel indifferent to hip hop

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu Music IELTS Speaking

music ielts speaking

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu Music IELTS Speaking part 1

I have never met a person who does not appreciate music. Music, on the other hand, is a significant distraction when my task is excessive and I need to maintain focus. In contrast to the majority of people who listen to instrumental music to aid concentration, I find that it makes me drowsy.

I am no exception to the fact that everyone enjoys it. When I need motivation, I typically listen to upbeat music, but when I’m in a terrible mood, I prefer sorrowful songs.

Well, everyone enjoys it, so I’m not an exception. When I need motivation, I listen to upbeat music, and when I’m depressed, I listen to melancholy music.

I appreciate a variety of musical styles, from Western to Eastern to EDM, from the 1990s onwards. If Korean pop is considered a musical genre, it is my favorite. More than fifty percent of my playlists consist of Korean music, and I am always up-to-date on Korean entertainment news.

Foreign performers’ concerts are out of my price range. Thus I only attend shows infrequently. Therefore, I must stay at home and watch it online. In 2014, I eventually participated in a performance on my own; it was an international music concert. It was an extraordinary experience.

Unless it’s in a coffee shop where it’s just me and the music, I would love to. If it is a concert, I may change my mind. The crowd is unmanageable. Typically, it’s a complete failure, and I get a terrible headache.

Since a friend introduced me to her favorite band, I have been a fan. I felt driven to keep up with her because she couldn’t stop talking about them. I became increasingly intrigued by Korean pop as I learned more about it.

Except for the classroom, virtually everywhere. The golden age of mobile technology is here. Everyone always carries earbuds and cell phones, so music is always accessible.

I am the type of person that is easily affected by the music I hear. Consequently, when the music changes, so does my disposition. Most of the time, however, music helps me recharge and unwind.

I started playing the organ in kindergarten. It was amusing because I had previously been a performer. My instructor suggested to my mum that I play the organ instead of performing. Therefore, I became her apprentice for approximately four to five years until I was ten.

Music is a required topic for elementary and secondary education in my country. The emphasis, though, was on singing. Additionally, we may add movement to the tunes to make them more engaging. Individuals selected for the enormous performances were the only ones permitted to play musical instruments.

My parents introduced me to music at a young age because they are music enthusiasts with outstanding taste. My mother would sing me lullabies to help me fall asleep as a child. My mother claimed that listening to them helped me feel better, even though I did not comprehend the content at the time.

Today’s youth are exposed to many musical forms in addition to contemporary music. It is difficult to determine which style is the most popular because, in my opinion, each is quite popular. But I believe pop music is currently the most popular genre. I have never encountered somebody unfamiliar with popular music.

I can recall several traditional songs, some of which I am very familiar with, with relative ease. But, truth be told, I’m not a major lover of this musical genre.

Without a doubt, yes. I enjoy a variety of musical genres and listen to a variety of songs nearly every day. However, I am not too fond of elevator music. It causes me boredom and irritation. 

Of course, I enjoy music. I cannot survive without it. It is what permits us to escape reality. Additionally, it links individuals. I believe that regardless of nation, religion, or culture, everyone enjoys music.

I feel that, like with other things, music will continue to evolve in the future. I believe it will rely even more on technology than it does now. I wonder whether any musical beings will be comparable to humans by then. I might picture robots with tunes encoded into their heads singing. It’s difficult to say!

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu Music IELTS Speaking part 2

Đề 1: Describe a captivating song you know.

In this question, you should say: 

  • What this song is?
  • Where this song comes from?
  • What story that the song tells?
  • Why you think it is captivating

Everlong by Foo Fighters is one of the songs that touch me the most when I hear it. The lead singer of the American alternative rock and post-grunge band Foo Fighters, Dave Grohl, penned this song amid one of the lowest times in his life.

According to him, he penned the song on Christmas following a recent divorce, during which he slept in a sleeping bag on a friend’s floor. And simultaneously, his guitarist and drummer were planning to leave the band. In less than an hour, he composed this love song in the midst of this whirlwind of commotion.

It has never been disclosed who he had in mind when writing this, but it is about a relationship that transcends the physical to the spiritual. It is an ode to love and its progression. The initial sentiments of hesitancy and the anticipation of any development. I believe this is why it resonates with so many individuals, both those who have and have not experienced love.

In addition, I find it intriguing that this song was not an instant success. Before people truly began listening to and falling in love with the song, it had to be pared down to an acoustic version, to its essence. After then, it became a fan favorite, and Grohl has stated that it is the song that the majority of his followers quote to him.

Đề 2: Describe a place where you know people listen to music (such as a theatre or a music hall). You must say:

  • Where it is 
  • What musical genres are performed there?
  • What types of people go there 
  • Why people visit and how you know about this location dnd describe your impressions on this location.

I must admit that I am a significant fan of live music, and out of all the venues that offer fantastic musical experiences, I would choose this one. It’s the “Tranquil café,” which is only a few minutes away on foot from my office and where I frequent nearly every week. As the name suggests, it is a warm and welcoming environment that mainly attracts music lovers. Even though this Old Quarter’s secret gem is challenging to locate, it draws a large audience on weekdays and weekends. For instance, when the music night is open to the public on Wednesdays, crowds of people perform their favorite tunes alongside one or two guitars. It typically features professional vocalists performing Trinh Cong Son’s compositions on weekends. Trinh Cong Son is a brilliant Vietnamese songwriter who has left behind an enduring legacy of tunes. I believe the inviting, intimate atmosphere attracts the crowds to every small concert at this café. Whenever I attended, the venue was always full. I appreciate the sense of being submerged in gloomy light while listening to beautiful music, as do many others. In my opinion, it is an excellent way to unwind after a stressful day at work.

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu Music IELTS Speaking part 3

Yes, exposure to music at an early age/during the formative years can have several benefits. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that music has a good effect on children’s cognitive development, with impacts beginning in the prenatal period. This may explain why many pregnant women listen to Mozart, even if their unborn children are still embryos. Moreover, listening to music is pleasurable for children to release stress while simultaneously learning about the world. This is accomplished by encouraging children’s subconscious learning through singing along to songs whose lyrics typically have several levels of relevance.

Despite the importance of music to students, I feel it should not be a required subject in schools. When it comes to children’s education, educators should ensure that lessons are at least entertaining. Contrarily, if a child were forced to study a subject against their will, the experience would be less enjoyable. Under certain conditions, the accidental introduction of music may cause some children who lack an appreciation for art to detest the unit. Instead, I believe schools and teachers should incorporate music into every lesson to make them more attractive. This can aid in identifying youngsters who are interested in these musical activities and may choose to participate in extra music programs to learn more about music theory and the like.

Unfortunately, the music played on every street corner in my country is predominantly pop, EDM, or rock music aimed towards young people. Even if the lyrics don’t always make sense, what makes these songs so popular is that listeners can instantly relate to them because both the lyrics and the melody are so catchy and fashionable. Despite the preference for contemporary music over traditional, traditional music is likely to be heard at cultural exchange festivals and public holidays such as Vietnam’s Independence Day. Those interested in learning about Vietnamese culture and older generations are among the music’s biggest fans.

Without a doubt, music should not be a free good because, like with every other public interest, people would take it for granted. At the same time, it improves the listeners’ awareness of the diligent composers and singers who deserve praise so that they will continue to create and perform exceptional music works in the future. In the end, the music industry has served the unprecedented function of modifying its customers’ emotions and nourishing their souls, making it a priceless human resource we should all value.

I would suppose that they listen to the music of their youth in an attempt to relive the emotions they previously felt. They are already familiar with the songs and rhythm. It appears that each previous generation evaluates the music of the current age. They just do not comprehend contemporary music, and the comfort of music they already know is a powerful drive to continue with it.

In the first place, it is due to changing fashions, and in the second, it is because of nostalgia. The 1970s were characterized by disco, the 1980s by synthesizers, and the 1990s by punk and grunge. There are trends that will shape your life experience depending on when you were born, and music is no exception. And as people age, they cease listening to music as frequently as they did when they were younger; thus, they develop sentiments of nostalgia for what once was, which blocks their minds to new music and produces rifts across generations.

I’d argue that a young person’s family and friends greatly influence his or her tastes. During their time at home, travel, and leisure, children are frequently treated to whatever music their parents prefer. The adults control the selection at first, therefore many of the first bands or singers they appreciate are the same as their parents. At this point, the children’s friends or siblings influence their musical tastes. They offer intriguing alternatives to what the parents have previously supplied, thereby expanding their musical horizons.

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Trong bài viết trên đây, IZONE đã tổng hợp và chia sẻ đến các bạn những kiến thức về từ vựng, câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu đối với chủ đề Music IELTS Speaking. Hy vọng đây sẽ là tài liệu tham khảo bổ ích cho các bạn trong quá trình ôn luyện IELTS. Chúc các bạn đạt được band điểm mục tiêu của mình!