Tổng hợp câu hỏi và đáp án IELTS Speaking Environment

Chủ đề Environment là một trong những chủ đề khá khó trong IELTS Speaking. Hãy cùng IZONE học các câu hỏi thường xuất hiện trong chủ đề này nhé!

Tổng hợp đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Environment

Dưới đây là tổng hợp các câu hỏi & sample speaking chất lượng liên quan đến chủ đề Environment

ielts speaking environment

Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Environment part 1

I suppose environmental issues result from many things but mainly from human activities. They clear forests for farming and housing, and this leaves negative impacts on the environment as well as habitats of wildlife. Besides, the rising levels of CO2 due to industrial activities also lead to global warming.

  • environmental issue (n): vấn đề môi trường
  • clear forests: phá rừng
  • impact (on sth) (n): tác động lên cái gì
  • habitat of wildlife (n): môi trường sống của động/thực vật hoang dã
  • global warming (n): nóng lên toàn cầu

As far as I know, Vietnam is a developing country and it’s been in the process of industrialization and modernization. So, factories have mushroomed in recent decades, coming along with severe problems like air pollution or water pollution. These problems have afflicted many citizens, especially those living in industrial zones. They are suffering from not only insufficiency of clean water but also respiratory diseases.

  • Industrialization (n): công nghiệp hóa
  • Modernization (n): hiện đại hóa
  • severe (adj): nghiêm trọng
  • Afflict (v): gây ảnh hưởng
  • industrial zone (n): khu công nghiệp
  • Insufficiency (n): sự thiếu hụt, không đủ
  • respiratory diseases (n): bệnh đường hô hấp

Well..certainly. We do really care for our environment. That’s the reason when we do the shopping, we usually use reusable bags instead of plastic ones.  What’s more? We also turn over used bottles to other purposes. We often use them to plant trees or flowers.

  • Care for sth: quan tâm đến điều gì
  • reusable (adj): có thể tái sử dụng
  • turn over sth to other purposes: sử dụng cái gì với một đích khác

Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Environment part 2

describe an environmental problem

Now, I would like to talk about a serious environmental problem currently occurring in Hanoi. That is air pollution

Pollution is a problem all over the world but with developing countries like Vietnam, the situation will probably be more severe, particularly in the air. In the political and economic center of the whole country, it is obvious that people everywhere are gathering into one place to seek jobs. As a result, an increasing amount of traffic and industries produce carbon monoxide and exhaust fumes so the air is visibly contaminated

This has been a problem over the last few decades and continues to get worse. Recently, the air quality is so contaminated that the sales of air purifiers increase significantly. I think people in Hanoi are aware of the effect of air pollution, it not only affects the aesthetic appeal of the city but also impacts people’s health since breathing in the polluted air can cause respiratory problems such as asthma. I cling to a belief that if we don’t take this into account seriously, it can be extremely detrimental. In the worst scenario, the hole in the ozone layer will be widened. Therefore, I hope that in the future, fewer people will resort to private cars and more people will use public transportation.

  • air pollution  (n): ô nhiễm không khí
  • Severe (adj): nghiêm trọng
  • carbon monoxide (n): khí CO
  • Contaminate (v): ô nhiễm
  • air purifier (n): máy lọc khí
  • aesthetic appeal (n): sức hút về mặt thẩm mỹ
  • respiratory problems (n): những vấn đề về đường hô hấp
  • Asthma (n): bệnh hen
  • Detrimental (adj): có hại cho
  • ozone layer (n): tầng ôzôn
  • resort to: đành phải sử dụng đến

Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Environment part 3

As for me, the government and individuals both share responsibility for protecting the environment. Speaking of the government, they can be stricter with imposing laws and punishing violations

For instance, there should be laws regulating companies’ use of air conditioners over a certain temperature. What’s more? The government can introduce laws to make it necessary for the citizens to recycle used bottles. When it comes to individuals, I guess they can reduce the rising levels of CO2  by taking public transportations instead of using their personal vehicles.

  • share responsibility for sth: đều có trách nhiệm cho điều gì
  • impose laws: áp đặt luật
  • punish violation: trừng phạt vi phạm
  • regulate (v): quy định
  • introduce laws: đưa ra/ ban bố luật
  • Recycle (v): tái chế
  • taking public transportations: đi bằng các phương tiện công cộng

It’s a tough question. Frankly speaking, I’ve never thought about it before…. Well, I suppose children can be educated about environmental protection through lessons at schools. For example, in geology lessons, teachers can put children into groups and let them discuss the negative impacts of global warming on human life and how to reduce those negative impacts. 

Through discussion, maybe they can come up with innovative ways to deal with environmental problems. And it just occurs to me that children can also be educated about environmental protection by their parents. When doing the shopping, parents can help their children develop an environmentally-friendly habit by using reusable bags instead of plastic ones.

  • environmental protection (n): bảo vệ môi trường
  • Impact (n): tác động
  • global warming (n): nóng lên toàn cầu
  • come up with: nghĩ ra
  • develop an environmentally-friendly habit: hình thành thói quen thân thiện với môi trường
  • reusable bag (n): túi có thể tái sử dụng

From my perspective, the elderly appear to be more aware and concerned about environmental protection, whereas the young are quite self-obsessed nowadays. They are way more concerned with their social media apps than with environmental issues. But it’s a totally different story when it comes to their older counterparts. Older people often lead litter-picking groups or clean beaches of plastic waste. Some younger people may do these things as well, but the majority are too self-absorbed to make a difference.

  • self-obsessed (adj): chỉ quan tâm đến bản thân
  • environmental issues (n): các vấn đề môi trường
  • it’s a different story: là một câu chuyện khác
  • litter-picking group (n): nhóm thu nhặt rác 
  • make a difference: tạo ra sự khác biệt (cải thiện một điều gì đó)

Tổng hợp từ vựng chủ đề Environment

ielts speaking environment

Từ vựng chủ đề Environment

Environment Collocations

Từ vựng


Ví dụ

safeguard /preserve/protect the environment

Bảo vệ/bảo tồn môi trường

The government is employing many practical approaches to protecting the environment

damage/ destroy/harm/spoil + the environment

Tàn phá/ phá hủy môi trường

The building of factories damaged the local environment

care for/ be concerned about the environment

Quan tâm đến môi trường

People seem to be concerned about the environment, but they still take out their trash improperly.

Environment issues (n)

Các vấn đề về môi trường

Vietnam has many severe environmental issues

Natural environment (n)

Môi trường tự nhiên

Our waste disposal habits are damaging the natural environment.

Từ vựng chỉ các vấn đề liên quan đến môi trường

Từ vựng


Ví dụ

air/water/soil + pollution

Ô nhiễm không khí, nước, đất

Air pollution is one of the hottest problems in the world.

Global warming (n)

Sự nóng lên toàn cầu

The increasing levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere have led to global warming

Climate change (n)

Biến đổi khí hậu

Many countries are suffering from effects of climate change

Soil erosion/ degradation (n)

Sự xói mòn đất

Cutting down trees is one of the main culprits of soil erosion

Biodiversity loss (n)

Mất sự đa dạng sinh học

Biodiversity loss has been driven by the exponential growth of human population

Greenhouse effect (n)

Hiệu ứng nhà kính

The greenhouse effect is beneficial to hothouse tomatoes but not to the environment.

Loss of habitat/ habitat loss (n)

Mất môi trường sống

Habitat loss is one of the leading causes of wildlife extinction

Inclement weather (n)

Thời tiết cực đoan

Due to climate change, many countries, especially Southeast Asian ones, are suffering from inclement weather, such as tornadoes or typhoons.

Melting ice (n)

Băng tan

The process of melting ice is being accelerated by the increase of temperature

Từ vựng chỉ tác động của con người lên môi trường

Từ vựng


Ví dụ

Destroy/ clear forests (v)

Phá rừng

Forest is being destroyed to pave way for new farming land.

Deforestation (n)

Sự phá hủy rừng

Rising demand for timbers is leading to increased cultivation and the potential for deforestation and the loss of biodiversity.

Vehicle emissions (n)

Khí thải từ các phương tiện,xe cộ đi lại

We should reduce the amount of vehicle emissions

Deplete natural resources (v)

Làm cạn kiệt các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên (VD: than đá/ gỗ/cá…)

There should be laws against depleting natural resources.

endangered animals (n)

Các loài động vật đang có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng (gấu panda/ cá heo/ cá mập…) 

Endangered animals may be at risk due to factors such as habitat loss and poaching.

Put sth under threat (v)

Đe dọa đến cái gì

Habitat loss has put Vietnamese rich biodiversity under threat.

Waste energy (v)

Lãng phí năng lượng

Wasting energy is also one of the reasons leading to environment destruction.

Dispose of toxic waste (v)

Xả thải rác độc hại

The government should educate its citizens how to dispose of toxic waste in the right way.

Pollute rivers/lakes (v)

Làm ô nhiễm sông/hồ

The overuse of pesticide for farming can pollute rivers nearby.

Từ vựng về việc đưa ra giải pháp/ hành động

Từ vựng


Ví dụ

Take steps /action

Thực hiện các bước, hành động

Each individual should take action to reduce negative impacts of human activities on the environment. 

Address/solve (v)

Giải quyết

In order to address environmental issues, each of us can replace disposable items with reusable ones.

renewable energy (n)

Năng lượng có thể tái tạo

Developed countries can utilize renewable energies such as solar or hydroelectric energy rather than fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gasses.

reduce/ alleviate (v)

Làm giảm bớt

These measures were supposed to alleviate the environmental problems.

Combat climate change (v)

Chống lại biến đổi khí hậu

The government should take immediate actions to combat climate change and its impacts on the environment

Support sustainable development (v)

Hỗ trợ việc phát triển bền vững

Governments should introduce green policies supporting sustainable development.

offset carbon emissions (v)

Làm gì đó để bù đắp lại lượng khí thải carbon đã tạo ra

Because I usually ride my scooter to work, so this week, I’ll offset my carbon emissions by taking public transportations to work

raise one’s awareness of environmental issues (v)

Nâng cao nhận thức của ai về các vấn đề môi trường

People should be raised awareness of environmental issues so that they can have common sense to protect the environment

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