Topic IELTS Speaking about Family: Tổng hợp bài mẫu hay và từ vựng

Family là một topic phổ biến trong các đề thi IELTS. Bài viết này IZONE sẽ tổng hợp các từ vựng, đề thi và câu trả lời mẫu topic IELTS Speaking about Family để bạn tham khảo.

Tổng hợp từ vựng thường gặp trong topic IELTS Speaking about Family

Grandfather/ ́græn ̧fa:ðə/Ông (nội/ngoại)E.g: Her grandfather on her mother’s side was Italian.
Grandmother /’græn,mʌðə/Bà (nội/ngoại)E.g: Both my grandmothers were from Scotland.
Grandparent / ́grænpɛərənts/Ông bàE.g: My grandparents are both in their 80s.
Grandson / ́grænsʌn/Cháu trai E.g: She has a 10 -year-old grandson.
Granddaughter/’græn,do:tз/Cháu gái E.g: His life is transformed by the arrival of his orphaned granddaughter.
Grandchild /’græn,do:tз/Cháu gái E.g: His life is transformed by the arrival of his orphaned granddaughter.
Granddaughter /’græn,do:tз/Cháu gáiE.g: His life is transformed by the arrival of his orphaned granddaughter.
Uncle/ʌηkl/ Cậu, chú, bácE.g: I have lots of uncles and aunts.
Aunt /ɑ:nt/Cô, dì, thím, mợE.g: I have an aunt in Australia.
Cousin/ˈkʌzən/Anh, chị, em (họ)E.g: My brother’s wife and I both had babies around the same time, so the cousins are very close in age.
Brother-in-law/ˈbrʌðərɪnlɔ:/Anh rể, em rểE.g: He has not consented to perform brother-in-law marriage with me.
Sister-in-law/ˈsɪstər ɪn lɔː/Chị dâu/em dâuE.g: He has not consented to perform brother-in-law marriage with me.
Niece/ˈsɪstər ɪn lɔː/Cháu gái (con của anh chị em)E.g: He saw one brother weekly and was in touch with one niece regularly.
Nephew  /ˈnefjuː/Cháu trai E.g: The maternal uncle might come and take the nephew out of his paternal household.
Relative/ˈrelətɪv/Họ hàngE.g: I don’t have many blood relatives.
Nanny/ˈnæni/Bảo mẫu/Vú nuôiE.g: This is just the kind of between-stairs position that a governess, a nanny, or perhaps a superior lady’s maid, would occupy.
Stepmother/ˈstepˌmʌðər/Mẹ kếE.g: While he owed his stepmother respect, because of her parental position, he was not her blood relation.
Stepfather /ˈstepfɑːðə(r)/Cha dượngE.g: Excluded as a ‘ child ‘ is a 16-year-old living in a common-law relationship with her stepfather, the suspect.
Godmother /ˈɡɒdˌmʌðər/Mẹ đỡ đầuE.g: It was a privilege to be asked to be a godmother to a triplet.
Orphan/ˈɔːfən/Trẻ mồ côiE.g: The civil war is making orphans of many children.

IELTS speaking about family

IELTS speaking about family

>>> Tham khảo thêm: IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Tổng hợp từ vựng theo từng chủ đề

Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Speaking about Family part 1

Đề bài

Do you come from a large family (đến từ gia đình lớn) or small family (gia đình nhỏ)?
Tell me about your family
Do you have a good relationship (có mối quan hệ tốt với) with your family?
Do you get well with (sống hoà thuận với) your family? 

Gợi ý trả lời

Do you come from a large family (đến từ gia đình lớn) or small family (gia đình nhỏ)?

My family is small, with only five members: my father, mother, younger sister, younger brother, and myself 

Tell me about your family.

As I previously stated, our family consists of five members, including myself. My father is a physician and a hero to me. My mother is a loving and caring person who works as a schoolteacher. We hold our parents in high regard. My younger sister is in seventh grade and has all of the crazy and creative ideas, which she shares with me. My younger brother is a university student studying mathematics with a passion for football. He aspires to be a professional football player someday, though I am skeptical. I recently finished my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and intend to pursue a Master’s degree from a reputable foreign university.

Do you have a good relationship (có mối quan hệ tốt với) with your family?

Yes, I get along with my family members quite well. We have a strong bond as a family, which makes us happy.

Do you get well with (sống hoà thuận với) your family? 

Yes, I get along swimmingly with my relatives. They are encouraging, upbeat, intelligent, and compassionate. I wouldn’t say we didn’t have disagreements, but they were usually minor. Love is stronger among us, and it triumphs over any misunderstanding that may arise. Indeed, I am delighted to be a member of such a wonderful family. They adore me in the same way that I adore them.

Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Speaking about Family part 2

Đề bài

Describe the person who you most admire in your family. (Miêu tả người mà bạn ngưỡng mộ nhất trong gia đình)

You should say:

  • what their relationship is to you (Mối quan hệ của họ là gì với bạn)
  • what they have done in their life (Những gì họ đã làm trong cuộc đời của họ)
  • what they do now (Họ làm gì bây giờ)
  • and explain why you admire them so much (và giải thích lý do tại sao bạn ngưỡng mộ họ đến vậy)

Gợi ý cách trả lời

​​The person I admire the most is my mom. She is a wonderful mother and a great wife. She is open-minded, loving, caring, and very understanding.

  • I love how she looks at things. She is very optimistic. I love her courage in raising my brothers and me well since my father passed away. She has been a single mom for about 17 years and did her best to act as both a mother and father to us. She would always stand up for us.
  • My mom resigned from work a few years after my father died. Her reason was to spend much more time with the family, especially when we were growing up. She felt the need to guide us physically and emotionally. She then started her own business, which she is still running.
  • I love her so much. She is not just a mom but also a mentor and a friend.

Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Speaking about Family part 3

Đề bài

Should we rely heavily on our families or is it better to try to be independent?
What is your special moment with your family?
In what way is your family important to you?
What sorts of things do you like to do together?

Gợi ý trả lời

Should we rely heavily on our families (dựa vào gia đình) or is it better to try to be independent (độc lập)?

I believe that being self-sufficient does not negate our dependence on our families. At a certain age, every person should be financially and personally self-sufficient while remaining close to his or her family. I don’t want such independence and freedom if it means living separately and having a strained relationship with my family. We all have our own personalities and a desire to be self-sufficient, but this should not jeopardize our family relationships.

What is your special moment (khoảng khắc đặc biệt) with your family?

Celebrations are memorable, especially those commemorating special occasions such as birthdays, my parents’ anniversaries, or my siblings’ achievements. These occasions hold many special memories for us, and we consider them to be our special moments.

In what way is your family important (tầm quan trọng của gia đình) to you?

My family, after all, is the center of my universe. My parents did everything they could to raise me and provide for my education and well-being. Their contributions and sacrifices for my life are unmatched. I will be eternally grateful to be a part of such a loving and caring family. My family knows me better than anyone else and will always be there for me no matter what. They are the people who have always stood by my side and helped me in any way they could. My family is the most important aspect of my life because I believe that family comes first.

What sorts of things do you like to do together?

During the holidays, we frequently go to the movies and also go on day trips. When my father is not busy with his professional obligations, he enjoys spending time with his family. My mother, on the other hand, prefers to go to the movies, and it is up to us, the children, to resolve the conflict.

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